
ShawnTomahawk t1_jbru5f6 wrote

Happy to see this. I met Kemp at his shop in Seattle, super nice guy, very friendly. I told him I was from TX and we talked for a bit about how he used to live in Katy (Houston). I had met Steve Kerr on the sidewalk a few hours prior, I told Kemp about it ‘yeah man, I saw Steve Kerr on the street and he told me to come see you’ “Steve said that?” ‘Nah, but he’s in town. (Showed him my photo of Steve and I)’ he had a big laugh. I always thought of Kemp as a terrifying person when he was a player because of his swagger in the paint, but he was also with Gary Payton who was a bully and in the Top 5 Greatest of All Time Shit Talkers. Stoked for Kemp, he’s a real one