
Shawn_NYC t1_j89uuit wrote

Here's a cheat code for bullshit - just match up two mysteries and imply/state they are related


  • gut biome is a mystery & autism is a mystery therefore autism is caused by the gut biome!
  • microplastics are a mystery & gut biome is a mystery therefore microplastics but impact gut biome
  • quantum particles are a mystery & consciousness is a mystery therefore consciousness must be a quantum effect
  • quantum particles are a mystery and autism is a mystery therefore autism is caused by quantum entanglement

Shawn_NYC t1_j63to7a wrote

Life expectancy is highly dependent on the state you live in. If you live in a Republican state the prognosis is not good. If you live in Kentucky or Alabama your life expectancy (75) is the same as someone in Belarus, Jamaica, or occupied Palestine. If you live in blue state New York, California, or Hawaii your life expectancy (81.5) is similar to Denmark and Germany.