
SheeEttin t1_j2p2m7f wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in flyover sucked by stunkindonuts

> No Air Force pilot is going to risk their career just to… show off, despite what you might have gleamed from watching Tom Cruise movies.

Military pilots do it all the time. Usually it's just drawing dicks in the sky with their flight patterns, but once in a (fortunately) long while it's actually something dangerous:

But you only ever heard about the times that it ends in disaster.


SheeEttin t1_j2kxa80 wrote

What does your lease say?

You could argue that it was misrepresented and agree to terminate the lease, if you don't want to live there. If you like it otherwise, tell them you'll buy a new washer and dryer and deduct it from the rent. As for the AC, not much you can do about that. Maybe ask for another reduction, but if they said it's already reduced then that's not likely.

I'm not aware of any specific provision in Massachusetts regarding misrepresentation of housing. It's probably just covered by regular contract law.

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SheeEttin t1_j1rq2dr wrote

No, but no energy production has zero environmental impact.

Nuclear power's biggest environmental impact is actually building the plants and warming local water sources when they're used for cooking. Nuclear waste can be reprocessed to turn 97% of it back into fuel. The remainder can be safely stored in a facility like Yucca Mountain.