
SheeEttin t1_j9a91ns wrote

Tick tubes and permethrin are effective.

Ticks get on you when you walk through tall grass or trees and brush against them. If you're not brushing against stuff, you're fine. If you are, check yourself frequently, and throughly when you get home.

Usually you don't have to worry about them in the winter, but that may be changing as we get warmer winters.

There are vaccines for Lyme disease in development right now. It's worth investigating.


SheeEttin t1_j9a7nrb wrote

Water is extremely unusual in a number of ways! Due to the actual shape of a water molecule, it's also unusually polar, allowing it to dissolve just about everything we need to live. And it has one of the strongest surface tensions of common liquids.

And unlike most other substances, the frozen form is less dense than the liquid (as you noted), meaning ice floats! I don't know a single other substance that behaves that way.


SheeEttin t1_j8sz2bb wrote

There's no law that says that. ATF form 4473 asks whether you are an "unlawful user of, or addicted to" marijuana, etc. It doesn't say anything about a MMJ card. You can have a card and not use marijuana, and you can use marijuana and not have a card. They're not related.


SheeEttin t1_j7v8l4v wrote

One study found a 4-to-1 return over 10 years:

So, averaging it out, in 2.5 years.

The source might be biased because it's a public transit advocacy org, but I haven't found any other studies.