
ShellOilNigeria t1_jbknvuk wrote

Crux of the matter:

>A serious breach at a healthcare administrator serving the U.S. House of Representatives has potentially exposed the personal data of hundreds of lawmakers and their staff, top representatives and a senior Congressional official said in letters circulated on Wednesday.

>One of the letters, which the House's Chief Administrative Officer Catherine Szpindor (CAO) sent to members of Congress and which Reuters saw, said a "significant data breach" at DC Health Link had potentially exposed the personal information of thousands of enrollees.


ShellOilNigeria t1_j2bduxv wrote

Again, I understand that but the vast majority of the population does not use encrypted data and those that do, are probably using something that is backdoored by the NSA like Tor nodes and over the counter software like Windows. Not hard to tie things together. Especially when you have a gigantic budget.