
ShenanigansCommence t1_j51oam8 wrote

Id actually love to meet someone who believes Tate is infallible. Just out of gross curiosity and then have them checked for a mental deficiency. I'm yet actually meet anyone who does, anyone I've talked to about him takes his ideologies with a pinch of salt at best while also reiterating what I've said earlier and him hitting home with so many examples and calling the bullshit on them. If anything it's a vice video that is stirring up views from people that refuse to acknowledge that their own ideas are wrong.

At the end of the day it's a crazy and fun world we live in, but as they say it takes all kinds to make it go round. Except people who hurt dogs they can find their place in hell.


ShenanigansCommence t1_j51lw1k wrote

I would agree with your statement that both are wrong. What I see as empowering men is seen as backlash of female empowerment. I'd consider this a result of years of men being forced to remain silent in fear of being called a sexist if they were to point out flaws in modern feminist agendas.

Tate is a moron who given enough rope hangs himself with his lack of brain cells and stupid comments, he still isn't wrong on a number of points especially regarding men in today's society who are subjected to constant belittlement from feminists and how they're treated. .


ShenanigansCommence t1_j51if1y wrote

Just a point on the video, I can't watch it due to it being location restricted so if you could provide a version of it I can watch I'd appreciate it.

So going off the videos and reels I've seen of Tate and his ideology, what makes his beliefs worse than toxic feminism ? Or the beliefs of Racists ? Or even the beliefs of countless other ideologies that result in deaths, attacks and abuse of countless others? His ideology focuses on men being empowered to not be afraid of this new PC culture and being vilified for just being a man.


ShenanigansCommence t1_j51c17b wrote

Would you really classify Tate as a religion ? He's gone mad with the fame and it's obviously gone to his head. Have you seen why he's become popular ? His ideology is anti toxic-feminism. Today's society is vilifying men and boys at every turn, he highlights the common contradictions that are constantly experienced. Now I stand with you on the fact he's a moron and mysoginistic as fuck. But alot of his points find home with experiences males have been exposed to and continue to be exposed to. Jordan Peterson would be a more sophisticated and articulated anti toxic-feminism advocate.