
Shibui50 t1_iyf83jr wrote

Trust me. I know how this song goes.

Been there. Done that. Have the t-shirt.

There IS one thing.

Years from now, when you look back and realize you were a stand-up guy and

did the right thing....even if its for someone who didn't want it

or couldn't appreciate it. You won't believe how much easier it is to live with

yourself than if you hadn't. Best of Luck.


Shibui50 t1_iyf37a7 wrote

Somebody is going to be assigned as a care-giver if your father is demonstrated to be

incompetent regarding his Affairs of Daily Living (ADL-s). Your question is whether you

want to keep this in the family or not. Simple as that.

If you want to keep it in the family you need to identify a responsible person to do this.

If you Don't, or can't, keep it in the family, the authorities will identify someone if you

don't have anybody in mind. This is not rocket science and the authorities can be

a handful if you try to just squeak-by about this.

If your father is a Military Veteran you CAN work with the VA to address matters.

Of course, if he is going to be a dick and want to drink and smoke that is

something that will need to be addressed.

One other thing. Your father is 72? He's well into the age-range for dementia, given that

he both drinks and smokes. The fact that he fell and has no memory of it is Not a

good sign. If you are going to do something it needs to be sooner rather than later.


Shibui50 t1_iyepxzx wrote

Isn't this like the third or fourth time you have posted?

I swear this Post comes up once a week.

I get it. You are pregnant and your guy is not nuts about whats going on.

Got it. Understood.

Now......what the F..K are you going to do? Whats your plan...........

other than applying for Child support from the Childs' Father??


Shibui50 t1_iujhvql wrote

Excellent question. A preference is a tendency and is not causal. A fetish is defined as a form of sexual desire wherein sexual expression (and often times gratification) is inordinately linked to a person, place or thing. Thats not what the OP is describing.


Shibui50 t1_iujfhlf wrote DO know what a "fetish" is. right? Having a preference for a particular ethnic, religious or cultural group is NOT a fetish, and we would be a pretty staid species if everybody liked the same things and had the same preferences. Despite what the media would lead us to believe there is a lot more going on in what we find attractive, enjoyable and satisfying than just our thoughts and opinions.

I would not even try to guess what feeds your SO preferences but I DO know that you seem to report that there is more discomfort about this issue from your side than from his. Some people casn go their whole lives and never find a compatible partner. Unless there is something identifiably toxic going on, why do you savor the fact that you may have what a lot of people only wish they could have. FWIW.


Shibui50 t1_iuje79i wrote

Apples and oranges, my friend. Your lady's damage was NOT intellectual, it was primarily Emotional. You are using the wrong approach.

In the case of your SO there was betrayal and significant violation of an understanding and a trust. You don't heal that by emphasizing the physical side of things. She can probably understand readily that you like sex and that you are competent as a lover. Thats not the problem. The problem is what Sex, as an emotional expression and focus of a trusting relationship, means to you.

Her last guy did all the right things too but still betrayed her. You need to approach her on an emotional level to affirm that you are not the last guy and that what you have is validating for you on so many levels. Slowdown all the talk about sex as an act and start emphasizing how expressing your sexual behaviors between the two of you validates the unique nature of what you have.


Shibui50 t1_iuhpt6x wrote

Its not anything you have control over. Its pretty plain that your acquaintance is not emotionally available and uses a variety of individuals to avoid becoming authenticly invested in any particular person. Not somebody you want to have anything to do with as this dynamic often escalates to a "lets you and him fight" scenerio (see: Eric Berne). Screw that.