
ShinTsukimiA t1_isijpum wrote

There was a long pause in the room, the silence deafening as we stared at the television screen hung on the cool-white wall.

"What?" A man with glasses finally said, speaking the rooms thoughts. The four of us were varying in age. Nobody looked similar, aside from everyone wearing pajama-related clothing. There was a girl who looked about sixteen- close enough to my age, the man with glasses, wearing all black, and an old man- probably sixty or so, his white shirt stained with yellow.

The television screen spoke to the dumbfounded four of us yet again.

"The details of the matter are not important. The last team that I had told the details to had failed. Each of you have a note in your pockets, reminding you of the job you signed up for. If all of you perform your jobs as asked, no harm should come to anyone that's not involved."

The statement coming from the tired man in the TV screen made me realize- where exactly were we? The room the four of us were in was completely white, with patterned-textures reminiscent of a public pool's tiles. The only oddity was a single black door directly beneath the TV screen. I realized I couldn't remember how I got here. The looks on the other's faces made me believe they didn't know either.

"Oh God, where am I? Who are you people?!" a brown-haired girl dressed in a t-shirt and pajama-pants exploded, her voice getting increasingly anxious as she progressed through her sentence. Her eyes darted around us nervously as she pressed herself into the corner of the room. "I swear to God I will hurt anyone who comes anywhere close to me, I mean it!" She said, the fear in her wavering her voice. I didn't know what to do aside from watch, trying to force my frozen brain to work.

I began approaching her, deciding that this wasn't the best way to go about it. "Okay, ca-" BANG!

A loud explosion echoed throughout the small room, making my ears ring like I'd never felt before. My eyes shut tight instinctively as I saw red make a b-line straight for me. I heard the distraught yelling of the old man fade into the ringing. I opened my eyes and looked to where the girl had been.

She was slumped over, dead, the expression of terror frozen on her face. A man with a gun stood in front of the open black door, putting it back in his pocket.

"Sorry, but, the last time someone freaked out like that, our job failed."

The old man quieted down at the recognition of this fact, whimpering.

I began to recognize this man from a profile picture I saw on craigslist.

Only then did I remember the $20 job offer that I had accepted.

"Slip the red wire underneath the blue wire, and tie them together until you hear a loud roaring sound."

I was an idiot for accepting something so vague. If only I hadn't gotten addicted to cigarettes, maybe I wouldn't have needed the money..

"Right this way," the attorney said, gesturing to the open black door, interrupting my distracted thoughts. I moved blindly. The old man stayed behind, but I did not pay him any attention. The man in glasses followed. I heard stressed yelling from the old man behind me as I stepped into a very large yet colorful room. We were in the bottom-left corner of this room, because there were only two ways we could go- straight and to the right. There was a yellow wall dividing us from seeing the center of this room, only ten feet tall or so.


The whimpering of the old man stopped.

The attorney stepped out of the white room with the black door and stood in front of both me and the man in glasses.

"Unfortunately, since those two seemed to be liabilities, each of you will now have to take an extra job. You seem able though, so it should be fine." he said with a warm smile on his face.

He handed me a blood-soaked note.

"Uh oh," he said smugly. "You got a fun one."