
ShinyGodzilla OP t1_j1x7t2x wrote

>The courts are closed today, but when they reopen tomorrow, Brooklyn Surrogate Judge Harriet Thompson will still be persona non grata in her own courthouse, barred from all nonpublic areas by order of the state chief administrative judge for her extraordinarily hateful words towards gay men, Hispanics, women, West Indians, the overweight and the sick. But perhaps Thompson’s exile, in place since last December, will end in a few weeks.

>In a decision filed Thursday, Brooklyn state Supreme Court Justice Karen Rothenberg says that while Thompson can remain stripped of all past, current and future cases in surrogate court for her astoundingly prejudicial statements, the defrocked Thompson should, in 30 days, be returned all “keys, access cards and other means of entry to Unified Court System courts and facilities, as well as any UCS-provided computer or other equipment.”

>What’s the point, Justice Rothenberg, to let Thompson back to her chambers and other court offices? Thompson has no docket and no business to conduct, so what is she to do with her keys, access cards and computer? Find more judges, court staff and litigants to insult?

>Thompson, who is still collecting her $210,900 salary, sued the state Office of Court Administration in April to get her docket restored. Rothenberg held a hearing in late October and noted that OCA does have the power to assign judges.

>Thus Thompson was assigned to nothing while the state Commission on Judicial Conduct undertakes its probe, which will most certainly end in Thompson‘s removal from the bench. Likewise, OCA assigned Manhattan state Supreme Court Justice Carol Edmead to Brooklyn surrogate court to clean up Thompson’s mess, along with Brooklyn’s other surrogate — the good one — Rosemarie Montalbano.

>However, Edmead retires on Dec. 31 and we hear that OCA will be assigning a new fill-in judge. We also hear that the conduct commission has issued subpoenas for witnesses to appear in January, as they close in on the horrid Thompson.

>Thompson’s judging days are long over. Letting her roam about her chambers makes no sense.


ShinyGodzilla OP t1_j0vu3wx wrote

>When, after a tragic car accident, black rioters in Crown Heights beat up any Jew they could find for three straight nights in 1991, and the Rev. Al Sharpton denounced the victims as “diamond merchants” who reaped what they had sown, liberals looked the other way. Mayor David Dinkins feigned ignorance. The New York Times fudged the story. They couldn’t face up to black violence and Jew-hatred or the costs of hamstringing law enforcement.

>Three decades later, the liberals who run New York are still looking away. That’s what makes them liberals.

>Nothing did so much to improve black-Jewish relations in Brooklyn as the general reduction in crime since the 1990s. But as shootings in New York more than doubled between 2019 and 2021, alongside a deterioration in public order, attacks on Jews surged. Until there are consequences for criminals, including the Jew-haters among them, why should anyone expect the attacks to subside?


ShinyGodzilla OP t1_j0vu2p2 wrote

>The third blind spot is the perpetrators. Bill de Blasio, New York’s mayor from 2014-21, was hardly unique in speaking of the threat to Jews only from white supremacists. Yet the majority of anti-Jewish hate crimes in New York are committed by other minorities—blacks especially, but also Hispanics and Muslims. “These are inconvenient anti-Semites,” Mr. Bitton says. Liberals would rather stick to their story: Minorities are always victims of racism, never racists themselves.

>Meanwhile, surveys since the 1960s have shown that Jew-hatred in America is most prevalent among blacks. As traditional prejudices fused with radical separatist ideologies, anti-Semitism became part of the rhetoric of black politics and protest, the language not only of the street but of preachers and politicians, artists and intellectuals, imbuing criminal violence against Jews with spurious political significance.


ShinyGodzilla OP t1_j0vu03y wrote

>The second blind spot is the victims. Israel Bitton, head of Americans Against Antisemitism, observes, “A lot of the secular Jews aren’t responding with the same alacrity they would if people started hitting heads of the United Jewish Appeal walking down Fifth Avenue.” Of the 194 anti-Jewish assaults his group has tracked, three-quarters were in four Brooklyn neighborhoods, and 184 of the victims were Orthodox Jews, identifiable by their dress. These are the Jews who can’t hide.

>Less-religious Jews were stunned by Kanye West’s anti-Semitic ravings in a way that Orthodox Jews could never be. For many of the latter, Louis Farrakhan -inspired Hitler talk and conspiracies are humdrum, the stuff of street abuse. “This is an experience of anti-Semitism,” says Rabbi Motti Seligson of Chabad-Lubavitch, a Brooklyn-based Hasidic movement, “that the rest of the Jewish community not only doesn’t experience but is completely oblivious to.”


ShinyGodzilla OP t1_j0vtung wrote

>The New York Police Department reported 45 hate crimes against Jews in November, more than double the monthly figure from a year ago. It records 278 such crimes this year, up 53%, and 100 arrests, up 61%. Why don’t prosecutions and prison sentences follow? “I’ve asked the question for years with the DAs of the world, with legislators,” Rabbi David Niederman, a top Satmar Hasidic leader in Brooklyn, says in an interview. He gets no answer.

>This is the first blind spot in the war on hate. Determined to “end mass incarceration,” liberals have pulled back police, narrowed prosecutions, restricted cash bail, and gutted mandatory minimums. At the same time, liberals want to crack down on certain “bad” crimes, such as those motivated by hate. But the scholar James Q. Wilson showed long ago that criminals don’t really specialize. Just as substantial proportions of drug and property offenders go on to commit violent crimes, the majority of hate-crime offenders have prior, non-hate-related arrests.


ShinyGodzilla OP t1_j0vts8b wrote

>Liberals love to fight hate, but I’d rather they punish crime. Americans Against Antisemitism has studied 194 anti-Jewish assaults and 135 property incidents in New York City since 2018 but can identify only two offenders who have been sentenced to prison. Others receive probation or counseling or their charges aren’t followed up. “There are practically no serious consequences to be had,” the group concludes in a July report.

>Examples abound: In May 2021, a Brooklyn man with an attempted-murder charge pending yelled “F—ing Jews! I’m going to f— you up” and punched a 67-year-old man in the head. He was arrested but hate-crime charges were dropped and he pleaded down to a misdemeanor.


ShinyGodzilla OP t1_j0vtpkp wrote

>After a long month of attacks on Jews in New York City, the big guns held a symposium at a Manhattan synagogue Monday. One by one, Mayor Eric Adams, Gov. Kathy Hochul, Sen. Chuck Schumer and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas pledged to fight anti-Semitism. After blaming Donald Trump, Ms. Hochul announced a new hate-prevention initiative and vowed, “When you attack one of us, anyone, that is picking a fight with 20 million other New Yorkers, starting with your governor.”


ShinyGodzilla t1_j0lj65g wrote

>A 63-year-old man has been treated for injuries received during an antisemitic attack in New York City’s Central Park in which his assailant allegedly invoked Kanye West, the antisemitic hip hip mogul who has stepped up his rhetorical attacks against Jews in recent weeks.

>The assault took place at approximately 6.30 on Wednesday evening. The victim was walking along the intersection of Terrace Drive and East Drive when his assailant struck him from behind, causing him to fall, chipping a tooth and breaking his hand in the process.

>The assailant is then alleged to have uttered a string of antisemitic insults, including the words “Kanye 2024,” according to the New York Post. West has said that he intends to run for the US Presidency in 2024. The attacker then fled west along 72nd Street on a bicycle with a trailer that displayed various signs, including “Hungry Disabled.”

>The victim was subsequently taken to hospital and is reported to be in stable condition,

>A 63-year-old man has been treated for injuries received during an antisemitic attack in New York City’s Central Park in which his assailant allegedly invoked Kanye West, the antisemitic hip hip mogul who has stepped up his rhetorical attacks against Jews in recent weeks.

>The assault took place at approximately 6.30 on Wednesday evening. The victim was walking along the intersection of Terrace Drive and East Drive when his assailant struck him from behind, causing him to fall, chipping a tooth and breaking his hand in the process.

>The assailant is then alleged to have uttered a string of antisemitic insults, including the words “Kanye 2024,” according to the New York Post. West has said that he intends to run for the US Presidency in 2024. The attacker then fled west along 72nd Street on a bicycle with a trailer that displayed various signs, including “Hungry Disabled.”

>The victim was subsequently taken to hospital and is reported to be in stable condition,

>A representative of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) told ABC News that the attack demonstrated the real-world consequences of West’s invective targeting Jews.

>“Cases like celebrities and sports figures who make statements, this is something that’s being carried out by someone with a huge following and when that happens people copy it,” Scott Richman — regional director of the ADL’s office in New York and New Jersey — commented. “People begin to think that is normal.”

>The attack, which took place four days before the start of the Hanukkah holiday, is likely to further unnerve Jews in New York as they face an upswing in antisemitism.

>According to the NYPD, antisemitic attacks in November rose by 125 percent compared with the same period in 2021. According to general data on hate crimes gathered by the NYPD, Jewish New Yorkers were the most targeted group, accounting for 60 percent of all hate crimes reported.


ShinyGodzilla t1_ixn0mzm wrote

>The maniac who randomly attacked a 12-year-old boy on his way to school – beating him with a single crutch – was busted this week, authorities said. 

>Jamal McIlwain, 28, targeted the unsuspecting kid near the corner of St. Paul’s Place and St. Paul’s Court in Prospect Park South around 7:30 a.m. Nov. 17 – walloping him twice with the crutch and trying to hit him a third time, according to the NYPD and video they released. 

>McIlwain was picked up Wednesday when a 911 caller reported a “disorderly male” in front of an unspecified high school, cops said. 

>McIlwain spit on a responding officer, police said.

>Upon arrest, cops recognized him as the suspect in the crutch attack, authorities said. 

>The fiend calmly walked off after the assault, ditching the crutch on the sidewalk as he headed north on St. Paul’s Place.   >He had been heading to the Church Avenue B and Q train station at the time of the attack.

>“It’s weird how he ran across the street just to hit me,” the youngster, who was not identified, told WPIX Wednesday. “When he hit me, it took me a few seconds to process what was going on. I tried to block it with this arm and ran.”

>The boy suffered minor head injuries and was taken to a local urgent care in stable condition.

>“I’m feeling better than a few days ago when I got hit. The eye used to be swollen very much. I didn’t do anything to him, so how come he has a grudge against me?”


ShinyGodzilla OP t1_ixlwyr5 wrote

>(New York Jewish Week) — A synagogue is suing the developer of the Margaritaville Resort in Times Square, saying he reneged on a promise to house the synagogue in the new entertainment complex and left it “homeless.” 

>According to a lawsuit filed last week, developer Sharif El Gamal had initially promised to find a new home for the Garment Center Congregation after demolishing its former home to make way for the new 32-story, 170,000-square-foot hotel that opened last year, Crain’s New York reported. 

>In its complaint, the congregation said that El Gamal “has intentionally withheld or delayed performing its obligations in the hopes that the congregation’s temporary dislocation would result in depletion or death of its membership, collapse of its community and cessation of its religious and social activities, thereby no longer requiring the new synagogue at 560 Seventh Avenue.” 

>The synagogue had a 99-year lease in the former building, with an annual rent of $1, which was a donation from Albert List, a congregant who built the earlier complex.

>The lease agreement said that if the landlord of the property were to demolish it, it would need to include space for the synagogue in any new project that is built in its place, according to the suit.  

>In 2013, Gamal purchased the building for $61.5 million and inherited the synagogue’s lease agreement.  

>In negotiations with the synagogue, they settled on a project that would include a 300-seat sanctuary, a 75-seat chapel for daily services, a kosher kitchen, a community room and small terrace for a sukkah.  

>In October 2021, El Gamal revealed a proposal for a space that was 50% smaller.

>“It was down to 179 seats from 300, and it did not include equipment or amenities,” the lawsuit says. 

>El Gamal also tried to buy the synagogue out of its lease agreement, but the complaint alleged that numerous delays and “stall tactics” have led the congregation to believe that the developer does not want to reach an agreement.  

>When the building was knocked down, El Gamal offered space to the synagogue at 1384 Broadway. In a previous lawsuit, filed in September 2020, the landlord there, Chetrit Group, alleged that El Gamal failed to vacate the synagogue at the end of that lease and cost them $500,000 in late rent.  

>The Chetrit Group demanded El Gamal pay more than $1 million in back rent and the synagogue began vacating the premises. A notice its website says, “All daily services are currently canceled until further notice.”

>El Gamal previously bragged in that he would be the first Muslim in New York to build a synagogue.  

>“It sets a real example of the cooperation and the brotherhood and the coexistence that has always existed between us,” Gamal said at the time.  

>Margaritaville is part of singer Jimmy Buffet’s chain of tropical-themed resorts, and includes 234 guestrooms, five restaurants and bars and a street-level Margaritaville retail store.

>El Gamal and the Garment Center Congregation did not respond to a request for a comment.  


ShinyGodzilla t1_ixkt965 wrote

Man wanted for alleged kidnapping attempt of boy aboard Manhattan subway train >MIDTOWN, Manhattan (WABC) -- Police are searching for a man wanted for the alleged kidnapping attempt of a child aboard a subway train in Manhattan on Wednesday.

>The incident happened around 8:15 a.m., when three siblings, a 16-year-old girl, 15-year-old boy, and a 10-year-old boy, were traveling to school on a southbound 2 train.

>That's when police say a man followed them at the 149th Street subway station.

>The man sat next to the children and while approaching the 34th Street subway station in Midtown, the man tugged on the 10-year-old boys pants, grabbed his legs and tried to take him off the train while saying to the boy, "Get off. This is our stop."

>Fortunately, the 10-year-old boy's siblings intervened and after a struggle, the suspect fled the subway station on foot.

>He was last seen entering Penn Station.

>No injuries were reported.

>Anyone with information in regard to this incident is asked to call the NYPD's Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the CrimeStoppers website.


ShinyGodzilla t1_ixk7ttb wrote

7 On Your Side Investigates disturbing drug, robbery pattern at New York City bars >NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- 7 On Your Side Investigates has tracked at least 40 people who have been drugged and robbed at New York City bars over the last year, seven of those victims have died.

>The NYPD has arrested six people in connection with the crimes and are looking for at least two more.

>Police say it's not a new crime but they're seeing an increase in cases. Some victims have been swindled out of tens of thousands of dollars and have no recollection of what happened.

>Criminals are targeting people with expensive watches and cell phones at bars throughout Manhattan.

>Detectives say no one segment of the population is being targeted, it's happening to men, women, gay, straight, it doesn't matter. The criminals are looking to get away with as much money as possible.

>NYPD Chief Kenneth Corey said on Wednesday the victims aren't being secretly drugged, but that the drugs are being offered to them.

>"They are actually approaching people in the bar, striking up a conversation, and offering to do drugs with them," said Chief Corey. After that, their valuables are stolen.

>The criminal complaints show a variety of things were stolen from victims from bags to laptops. One victim had $5,000 transferred out of his cell phone's Venmo account. Another had $30,000 worth of cryptocurrency transferred from his cell phone app while passed out.

>Police say two groups of people are behind the string of crimes. One of the groups is more violent than the other and is physically assaulting victims before robbing them.

>7 On Your Side Investigates spoke with the family of one victim who says he did not voluntarily take any drugs before blacking out and being robbed. Instead they say the drugs must've been slipped into his drink.

>The criminal complaints show a variety of things were stolen from victims from bags to laptops. One victim had $5,000 transferred out of his cell phone's Venmo account. Another had $30,000 worth of cryptocurrency transferred from his cell phone app while passed out.

>Police say two groups of people are behind the string of crimes. One of the groups is more violent than the other and is physically assaulting victims before robbing them.

>There is a total of 40 victims, and seven of them died. Some of those deaths are the result of suspected overdoses.

>"You've got a stranger offering you something, you don't even know what it is, certainly not something you should be doing," Chief Corey said.

>The medical examiner reports are still pending but police believe some of the overdoses could be due to fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid that's being laced inside a variety of drugs.

>"Now we're in the age of fentanyl, where things are very dangerous," said retired NYPD Chief of Detectives and ABC Contributor Robert Boyce.

>A small amount of fentanyl can be deadly.

>Linda Clary says that's what happened to her son John back in May. He was found dead, with fentanyl is his system she said, after leaving a New York City bar. His phone was gone and his bank account was emptied.

>"I don't want any parent to have to go through this," Clary said.

>Police are making progress. Six people have been arrested and they're searching for at least two more.


ShinyGodzilla t1_ixhdght wrote

3 people stabbed on NYC subway trains; police say incidents were not related >NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- Three people were stabbed on NYC subway trains in two separate incidents on Wednesday night.

>Officials say two of the victims were slashed on an "L" train pulling into Union Square around 10:30 p.m.

>A 28-year-old woman was cut on her forehead and hand, and the 29-year-old man who rushed to help her was slashed twice.

>The suspect ran and the victims were taken to a local hospital. The suspect, who appeared to be homeless, was described as 6'5" tall, wearing all black, official said.

>About 30 minutes earlier, in a separate incident, two men got into a fight with a knife on a train arriving at Herald Square.

>Officials say one of the men was stabbed in his abdomen and when the fight spilled off of the subway train, the victim was slashed again.

>At this point in law enforcement's investigation, the attacks are not related. No arrests have been made.


ShinyGodzilla t1_ixf80vq wrote

>HELL'S KITCHEN, Manhattan (WABC) -- A man was arrested in the serial vandalism of a gay bar in Hell's Kitchen on Tuesday morning.

>Eyewitness News exclusively captured a man entering an unmarked police van after officers spent hours inside a Hell's Kitchen apartment building where they believe he lives.

>Cops say the suspect, identified as 34-year-old Sean Kuilan, hurled a brick at the window of a gay bar in Hell's Kitchen three times in the last week.

>He has been charged with criminal possession of a weapon, criminal mischief and reckless endangerment.