
ShoonSean t1_jdfhgmq wrote

I love bushcrafting, so having more time to disappear into the woods for a few days at a time would be awesome. Oh, and if AI helps create the hyper-realistic VR realities I've dreamed about, then I'll be disappearing into a few fictional Universes I've always wanted to explore.


ShoonSean t1_j9meil5 wrote

Totally possible. Humans love to ascribe our intelligence as something supernatural because it makes us feel special in a giant Universe that doesn't care about us. If we continue the path we're on now, we absolutely WILL end up developing something that will surpass us in intelligence by magnitudes.


We are animals; a species of great ape. We're about as bound(currently) to our biology as the rest of the creatures on this rock. We simply have a relatively larger amount of processing power in the head to do more complex tasks, which include self-awareness and the questioning of reality. We've already used our technology to overcome nature in more ways than one, so why should it stop with brain power?


ShoonSean t1_j9dbiqg wrote

I suppose it's possible. Hard to say. It might be possible to generate "dumb" AI in the future that are basically just more advanced versions of the language models we have today. Good enough to act as actors in whatever you need them for. I'm sure there will be moral conundrums of some form, but maybe AI intelligence will end up being different in ways that our moral concerns don't bother it in the slightest.


ShoonSean t1_j6o2g2g wrote

I've been following this sort of stuff since 2014 and I can say that the last year or so has really been the "wow, it's actually happening" moment for me. Looking at how this sub has exploded in popularity in the last year alone is nuts. The concept of the singularity seems to be spreading from more than just estoric, fringe groups online.