
ShortNjewey t1_jcysqcg wrote

If the resource is accessible and acceptable on the job, it should be in the classroom. As a PM if one of my team can solve the problem faster and more accurately by using tools available on the internet, vs another teammember using memory + trial and error, then the former is more valuable. If education is primarily for preparing individuals for the workforce, they should be able to use the same resources they would use in the workforce.


ShortNjewey t1_j6p7c7k wrote

If I hire someone to provide rich content about specific topics, I'd encourage them to use tools that allow them to complete the job better, faster, and cheaper. This should be the perspective of educators as well.the resources used (less plagiarism and illegal activity).chalkboards. Then society (and educators) slowly accepted, and acclimated to these tools, focusing on higher-level capabilities. I expect the same will happen here...eventually. Once AI is capable of providing valid and "well-thought-out content", the most valuable higher-level skill will be the ability to direct and control AI to get the desired result. The ability to 'ask the right questions'.

Most education is for the purpose of being a productive member of society in the work force. In the end, if you can provide higher quality contributions at a lower cost then you are more valuable, regardless of the resources used (less plagiarism and illegal activity).

If I hire someone to provide rich content about specific topics, I'd encourage them to use tools that allow them to complete the job better, faster, cheaper. This should be the perspective of educators as well.


ShortNjewey t1_j6ohpcw wrote

All things you would have available to you when solving a problem outside of a controlled testing environment. Why not make them available during testing and evaluation? The objective is to identify if this person can solve problems IRL where they have access to all these items. They should have the same access when solving problems by an evaluating university or employer.

As a manager, if I task you to give me the answer to 2+2, and you can do it faster by looking it up online vs someone else performing mental math, then you are more valuable to me.

Further, if a universities evaluation criteria for students can be outsmarted by AI then that points to a problem with the evaluation criteria, not the students.

It's not cheating. It's being resourceful.