
Shot_Sprinkles_6775 t1_j8qaysn wrote

Schizophrenia often takes religious themes. I think it might be the other way around though. Religions often say that you’re always being monitored, your goodness is being judged, you need saved, etc. kinda decent material for delusions and paranoia so if you’re familiar with those teachings your mind might borrow from them.


Shot_Sprinkles_6775 t1_j8qap8a wrote

“Cool harmless cults” 😂😂. I actually was reading a book about this though. Colin Wilson wrote it. I was kinda surprised to see Jung in there but then again he was so focused on introspection, your subconscious self. That’s what the occult means, stuff you don’t understand. Hidden stuff. It doesn’t have to be like voodoo dolls or hexes. It can be meditating on who you are. Now the Dionysus thing sounds like it was pretty off the chain hahah.


Shot_Sprinkles_6775 t1_j3mgb50 wrote

This is super cool for people who have gone blind after being able to see. But if someone has always been blind, their brain doesn’t know how to process visual input. If they are a kid they can probably develop the ability to do so. But an adult who was born blind may never see “normally” even if their retinas are functioning “normally”.