
ShutUpAndEatWithMe t1_jd9auda wrote

Reply to comment by UnawareMisery in [Homemade] Kimchi by zorbyss

Kimchi is a general term in the way the word pickle is. A pickle can be cucumbers but also peppers, cabbage, onions, etc. In the same way, kimchi can be all of those things and also radish, green onion, and any veg really. There are even white kimchi. There are over a thousand type of kimchi!


ShutUpAndEatWithMe t1_j1nzoxd wrote

Cytobacteria? Or cyanobacteria?

Cyanobacteria can be cultivated in waste and sea waters and have been engineered to create loads of materials. They've also been cultivated in wastewater to take out excess nitrogen before processing. Other bacteria have been engineered to grab onto precious metals in industrial waste waters. There's a lot of promise but it's just a matter of 1) securing dependable funding, 2) managing organisms with recombinant DNA, and 3) translating lab results into the real world


ShutUpAndEatWithMe t1_iy8w62s wrote

Down Syndrome is a human disorder in which there's a wrong number of chromosomes (trisomy 21 -- three sets of the 21st chromosome instead of two, totaling 47 chromosomes instead of 46). Other animals do not have Down Syndrome due to this specific definition; they can have their own mutations that yield outcomes similar to human Down Syndrome though (source). That said, this daisy does not have Down Syndrome since it's not possible. This phenomenon is called fasciation, which can be due to genetic mutations or environmental factors (source).


ShutUpAndEatWithMe t1_iv3yh12 wrote

>The contractors returned to finish the job on Wednesday night, with children running out in their pyjamas and raincoats to fend them off.

feels a bit r/OrphanCrushingMachine but at the same time, good for them? The article calls it a "pop-up playground" so it sounds like a makeshift thing the community put together. The police apparently cordon it off from car traffic during school-ish hours and children can play in one of the safer areas of the neighborhood. The kids look like they're in primary school, and I couldn't imagine being 7 and not having had real play time since before the pandemic. I hope they get to keep their area and/or a new area created for them.


ShutUpAndEatWithMe t1_iujzoyu wrote

>Roberts explained that Dr. King and his wife, Coretta Scott King, took care of the hospital expenses since her parents couldn’t pay the bill.

>“My parents had a theater school in Atlanta called the Actors and Writers’ Workshop,” Roberts said. “And one day Coretta Scott King called my mother and asked if her kids could be part of the school because they were having a hard time finding a place that would accept her kids.”