
Sick_Apples t1_iu7ndun wrote

"Hey, new guy, we need to talk."

"Oh, by all means. What do you need to talk about?"

"I've been discussing with the other superheroes about your... accomplishments in the line of duty and we're unsure if we can let you continue work as a superhero."

I was appalled. I worked so hard to become a super hero and when I finally reach my goal, they suddenly just want to take it away from me?! I've stopped so many robberies, defeated tons of criminals, all in the name of good and suddenly my effort means nothing?

"What?! Why?! I've done so many good things. You saw me stop that robbery last week."

"Yes, and we recognize that you work with good intentions, but frankly...your superpower is terrifying."

"Is it that bad?"

"I'm afraid so. Please, answer as truthfully as you can. What is your superpower?"

"Well, I can summon and command up to hundreds of zombies, including undead animals. Any unlucky soul bitten or infected by one is will become a zombie and follow my orders."

"Alright. Now, what did you do with the criminals from the crimes you've stopped?"