
SidharthaGalt t1_j2759su wrote

Buy low, harvest dividends, hold forever. BPT requires some watching, however, as it only pays out as long as oil is above their cost of production (about $66 be barrel but expected to rise as the field is depleted). I wont live long enough to see demand for oil and gas to fall significantly.


SidharthaGalt t1_j256hr8 wrote

Your bad bets on options don’t mean oil is a bad investment. I put a couple of thousand each into a mix of high yield oil and gas last December, and they’re not only my biggest gainers, they pay a lot of dividends. We won’t be off oil for a very long time, and unregulated energy companies have regularly show the ability to set prices as needed to sustain profits.


SidharthaGalt t1_j24whmj wrote

Below is a CAD image of the National Ignition Facility. It's huge. Using this huge facility, they created enough surplus energy to boil a pot of water. It's nowhere near being a game changer. It's going to be decades before fusion has any material impact on energy markets.