
Silver_Branch3034 t1_iu9bvia wrote

Hopefully this helps you feel at ease; I used to be similar, growing up if I didn’t go to the movies with someone I didn’t see the movie, and I was missing out on a lot of films I really wanted to see, simply because my friends had no interest and it may have felt a bit awkward. Then The Lego Movie came out and I desperately wanted to see it, friends didn’t, so I finally went by myself and had an absolute blast.

To me, going to the movies alone is arguably better sometimes, it’s pretty much a solo activity if you think about it, you’re not really holding a conversation or doing much else, you’re quietly watching a movie. Once I looked at it that way in my head the anxiety faded and I enjoyed going to the theater a lot more, I’ve probably gone more by myself than with others over the past ten years tbh.

Just go and enjoy yourself! I promise the person thinking most about you going alone is you, and once you come to terms with that you’ll enjoy it a lot more as well. Good luck to you and enjoy the movies!