
SirDigbyridesagain t1_j1hsw6b wrote

It's pretty noticeable, isn't it. I grew up listening to CDs, but for the past 15 years or so I've only been buying vinyl or streaming mp3s. I found a copy of big shiny tunes 2 (a Canadian compilation classic) and was blown away by how good it sounded in my truck.

I've been meaning to add a CD player to my system ever since.


SirDigbyridesagain t1_ixq3ond wrote

Usually only if I find them cheap in a thrift store, the quality is unmatched by streaming and they sound incredible. I have been keeping an eye out for a CD player to add to my hifi setup. Till then I only have the one disk player in my half ton and I never drive it anymore (cheaper to finance a civic then feed that V8).

If I get a player that I'm happy with then I'll search them out more often.