
SirEDCaLot t1_iy8aurm wrote

Agreed. Most intolerant/racist people see headgear and think 'towel head terrorist'. Sikhs are so far away from that it's not even funny.

For example- it's a requirement of their religion that they carry a dagger called a Kirpan, which is to be used to come to the aid of any innocent person in distress.

To call the Sikhs in America 'Khalistani terrorists' is so far off the mark it's not even funny. It's like going to one of those pro-gay all welcoming Christian churches and calling them 'Westboro Baptist terrorists'.


SirEDCaLot t1_ixftxx0 wrote

I agree. The USB-C legislation is a great step. I just wish it went further- earlier versions of it included personal mobility devices like e-bikes and scooters. With USB-C up to like 240 watts now there's no reason those devices shouldn't be included (with a provision for allowing proprietary connectors for higher wattages, although I think USB-C should still be required so you can 240w charge when the proprietary connector isn't available).
My understanding is that this got dropped and it's just electronic gadgets for now.


SirEDCaLot t1_ixfrmm8 wrote

> Right to repair can also mean, better quality resellers with phones being sold for cheaper prices due to there being an abundance of decent quality secondhands on the market.

Hell yes. I'd love to see that.

I'd also like to see phones just built better. EVERYone puts one in a case. So why not make the phone a few mm bigger in each dimension and make it naturally indestructible?


SirEDCaLot t1_ixfog0l wrote

Agreed. This SHOULD be the type of thing EVERYONE can get behind. Of course those who benefit from selling disposable phones will make a stink like 'this unnecessary government intrusion into the private market will make your next cell phone more expensive' and some people will buy that :\


SirEDCaLot t1_ixepifl wrote

It's not just the legal system. It's the whole economy.

Apple makes their billions selling everyone a new iPhone every year. So does Samsung and everyone else. If the machine is repairable (vs being just glued together as a solid lump of epoxy), it adds to the manufacturing cost, which means either less profits or higher price (and less sales). So it's easier to just say 'it's broken and it can't be fixed, throw it in the garbage and buy a new one' and everyone except the consumer makes more money that way.

Thus everyone has a drawer somewhere with an old phone that has a broken screen or a worn out battery or some other ailment that would be entirely fixable, if it was fixable.

On a societal scale though you're talking literally thousands of truckloads of broken phones and gadgets, many of which could be fixed if they were designed to be fixed. Or which could be fixed but the owner didn't want to decide between an overpriced 'authorized repair' and a cheap but 'unsafe' 'unwarranted' 3rd party fix.
And they all end up in 3rd world countries where little kids split them apart and boil the circuit boards in acid to strip the gold plating off the contacts.

I think the disease goes even deeper though. Look at clothing for example. Gotta keep up with the trend, gotta buy new outfits every year. The old ones are still perfectly good but because some asshole designer says they are out of fashion, they're no good. So they all go in the trash and we grow more cotton and make more synthetics to make more clothes to replace the perfectly good ones we already had because they were last year's color.