
Sir_Bantersaurus t1_j6noykf wrote

Wow that's harsh. I was up for reading something that challenged the glowing reviews elsewhere because although I loved the episode it's always interesting to see dissenting takes.

But this seems to be contrarian for the sake of it and finds fault with every single aspect of the episode including the writing and the acting which I think even some of the more negative takes on the episode have conceded was a highlight.

I mean even this is stupid:

> One of the most engaging aspects in the storytelling of The Last of Us is that, because Joel dictates how you move forward in the game, you’re implicated in his increasingly gray decision-making. On TV, the viewer is primed to be sympathetic toward a main character, so there’s not the same level of friction as experienced by the gamer.

The series isn't finished yet. The nature of Joel's decision-making is yet to be explored, that's this got to do with this episode?


Sir_Bantersaurus t1_iui4ev6 wrote

I think previously the show was always loosely based on real-life events with the artistic licence being how the writer imaged the Royal Family reacted to those events in private or quite trival stuff. The thing about Charles asking Major to dethrone the Queen is a pretty big departure from that.