
Siserith t1_jdu3sal wrote

I think I started playing d2 when I was 6/8 or something.... I loved it, turned out fine... I never even noticed the gore lmao perhaps I'm misremembering, but it was just a bunch of "Bible" parents freaking out cuz devil lmao. But each kid is different.

There was also stronghold crusader empire earth aoe... ps2 cod. ratchet and clank, jax and daxter, these two actually had monsters like the fish that scared me somehow lmao, so kids will be kids. ps1 and gamecube metroid and others I can't remember... oh, and some kind of he man cereal game or something that had skeletor and cannons shooting castles or something.

Now... gta vice City and San Andreas on the other hand... I was an odd kid to understand and be unphased by the mature themes. No one my age should have been playing thse, but I was an odd one being "babysat" by but more like hanging out with parents' late teen/ya siblings and friends.

Kids these days have so many more quality age apropiate options, though, that's for sure.


Siserith t1_jaaoj9j wrote

The guy with all the down-votes is a rude, a lot of people seem to hate on our state without realizing what is here, often(but not always) the hate is inseparable from politics sadly. Ct is an interesting blend of small town America main-streets lodged right next to urbanisim, nature, history, and industry. We have lots of amazing restaurants around the state and it never takes more than an hour to get anywhere.

Depending on how far you want to go and what time of year you come, we have hiking and trails, lots of nature parks, a couple quality theme parks, all sorts of awesome fairs like the Big e and smaller more local ones/ we have still beaches and beaches with waves if you want to go next door to rhode island or cape-cod, we also have multiple casino's, museums, etc.

We have lots of bars and lots of local brews, amazing restaurants on every corner, some notable ones are parkville market in hartford(a food court with amazing restaurants and bars, also live entertainment listed on it's website) mystic pizza, pepe's pizza, and probably an easy thousand quality international restaurants.

I recommend coming somewhere around late summer for the warm weather/beaches, or early/mid September for the fairs.

All that said, ct is probably as real America as it gets, and we're a pretty safe and quiet choice, as well as a safer choice compared to most states. Though we're not exactly a hot tourist spot, there are more vacation-y spots to do if that's what your looking for. you will need a rental if you really want to experience everything properly, as ubers will get expensive and bus service isn't ubiquitous, but be warned, our state problem is our insane and reckless drivers, though i hear Massachusetts manages to have it worse, if your coming for two weeks or more, a rental is a must, as it will expand your range to Boston and new York(dont forget the state exists), and further if your willing to take a 4-6 hour drive.