
Skatingraccoon t1_jebz0bj wrote

Because it almost entirely replaced traditional server browsers, and it usually sucks.

Traditional servers were awesome since they encouraged developing a sense of community with other players, there was a more social aspect to it, you only had to wait for the map to load and there was no weird five hour lobby pause.

And for a game where it is 1v1 it might not be that bad. Imagine trying to slot 10-128 players into evenly distributed teams. One side almost always ends up stacked.


Skatingraccoon t1_je87vzo wrote

"Just called" implies that the thing you want to call them is shorter or simpler somehow. "Pickled cucumber" is definitely more cumbersome to say than just "pickle". And a pickle is understood to be specifically a pickled cucumber. It's common enough that we decided it should have its own name compared to other pickled foods.


Skatingraccoon t1_je24edn wrote

  1. Better mental health. People tend to feel better when they can connect a little bit in and with nature.

  2. Better physical health.

  3. Helps reduce the urban heat island effect. Turns out concrete and asphalt and all that is really good at putting out heat during the day which means a city will be hotter than the grassy hills outside the city only because of development. Parks can help bring that down a little bit.

  4. Can help with water management.


Skatingraccoon t1_j8xt7h6 wrote

I don't know why you would jump straight to the building department in this case.

I would contact different licensed electricians in your area, explain the situation, and see if any would be willing to inspect it for you and determine what would need to be updated. You'll end up paying them for it but they aren't going to turn you in if they get out there and it's a complete wreck. You're also probably going to have to call around, since many companies are not going to want to put time and effort into checking stuff they didn't do.

Would just share a personal experience that we hired a licensed general contractor to do work but they did not get any of the required permits for the work they did. After a few calls we were able to find an electrician that was willing to come out, inspect the work they had done, replace the work that needed to be replaced, and procure a permit on our behalf. So it happens.


Skatingraccoon t1_j6o1814 wrote

It can be pretty much anyone. It could be me. It could be someone's personal financial manager. It could be a mutual fund manager or an automated program designed to trade according to specific rules. It could be your neighbor's grandmother. It could be the company buying back stock, but this doesn't happen too often - usually only when the company is in a really strong financial position or they want to prevent buyout, or in the case of something like Twitter they did get bought out and are trying to turn from a publicly traded company to a completely private one.

If you are trading at market values, which is about what people are willing to pay for the stock or sell it for, then you'll have a much easier time actually selling it. If you try to sell something that is currently trading at $10 for $100 you'll see that the order probably is not going to go through unless someone is desperately trying to buy as much of that stock as possible and put in a very high bid for a lot of them.


Skatingraccoon t1_j6nsm7v wrote

They are designed this way so that you can remove the carafe while there is still water percolating and dripping on the grinds without it making a mess everywhere. The alternative is that water would just keep pouring out without anything to catch it and that is just a waste of coffee and pain to clean up.


Skatingraccoon t1_j2ew22v wrote

Because we don't really have a choice, and because it isn't reasonable to expect that one product will cost the same across all countries in the world for many different reasons. That includes cost of shipping, taxes and tariffs on imports, local economic conditions, etc.


Skatingraccoon t1_j2eth7l wrote

Catholicism is a form of Christianity. The Pope is the head of the Catholic church and is the one who can interpret the bible. There is a hierarchy or organizational structure to it - under the Pope you'd have Cardinals and under them you'd have Bishops and then Priests (there might be others, don't remember off the top of my head).


Skatingraccoon t1_j2e9d0g wrote

I'm sure you're being sarcastic here. It definitely is not a short game and you can get your money's worth for sure. But the vanilla game is terrible as a roleplaying and storytelling experience. And they relied too much on radiant questing at the expense of unique quest lines which is reflected in the lower number of quests relative to previous TES games and shorter guild storylines.


Skatingraccoon t1_j2dzwjr wrote

A little thing called "inflation". More money in the system means everyone's money is worth less, which means they have to spend more to be able to buy less. Not a really good solution for anyone.