
Skerppp t1_j1vu98n wrote

The three MVCs nearest to me all got significantly worse… And even when you had an appointment you would have to wait for hours after the allotted appointment time, sometimes they wouldn’t even get to you and they would give you a voucher to come back the next day. Not to mention the soonest appointment you could get would be 2-3 months out. It was third world-ish


Skerppp t1_j1m4u2s wrote

The pension is 50-65% of the salary when they retire, based on total years worked. At 20 years in the New York pension system they will retire with 50% of the final salary, which does not include overtime. Port authority is in the New York pension. So if you retire at 50 years old with 20 years as a port authority cop making 110k, you will collect a pension of 55k per year… but yes you can get another job after you retire


Skerppp t1_j1m4g3u wrote

30 years, not 20.. And some towns aren’t giving health insurance to retirees anymore. The 30 year pension is also meant to push people to retire before they are too old. None of us want 60 something year old boomer cops out there


Skerppp t1_j1kdnl8 wrote

This is the 2019 Police salary database btw. If a salary seems insanely high (over 200k) it’s probably because it’s a high ranking supervisor with some kind of sick time or vacation time buy back upon retirement where they cash out a ton of unused hours. If the salary seems unreasonably low it’s prob cause the cop didn’t work the entire year at that department. Keep in mind a lot of this includes tons of hours of overtime or outside employment


Skerppp t1_j1kcvm4 wrote

For Elmwood park that sounds about right. Cops generally make a lot in Bergen county. However, you do have to consider they pay a solid chunk of their salary into the pension and another couple hundred a month in union dues… working holidays, weekends and nights isn’t fun either


Skerppp t1_ixfi4j7 wrote

You can move your car if you don’t feel safe, it just has to be “reasonable” or within reason.. but once the car is moved it makes it harder for the cops to properly investigate the accident.. so it’s best to not move the car. In NJ your insurance covers you regardless of whether or not the police find the other driver…. So you don’t really have to worry too much about that. The only difference it makes is if the other driver isn’t found, then they get away without getting tickets that they might deserve.. which is annoying but it’s not the end of the world for you.


Skerppp t1_iwo0hjs wrote

I definitely agree to an extent.. I just think county wide consolidation would be hard to implement. But those pockets of small borough towns can definitely do some consolidation on top of having regional school districts


Skerppp t1_iwmqy8x wrote

Short Hills and Montclair aren’t going to want to share services with Newark.. and Princeton won’t want to share services with Trenton. Camden County tried the whole county Police thing and now “Camden County Police Department” works almost exclusively in Camden City.