
SkyJohn t1_ircc68b wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in David Mitchell on Atheism by Huntstark

Sure you can find someone who will fit any straw man you make but most atheists have more nuanced thoughts than just religion = wars = bad.

A huge chunk of the "atheist community" have trauma in their own lives that was caused by their religious upbringings, whether that takes the form of ostracisation of people from their communities for being different in any way, widespread child abuse or even worse shit like genital mutilation and forcing young girls who were raped to then give birth.

To just dismiss the cause of all of that trauma and say religion gets a free pass because it makes people feel good about where they'll go when they die is an insult to those victims.


SkyJohn t1_irbnmpx wrote

Sounds like he is taking about anti-theists not atheists.

And it's a bit of a straw man to say atheists would only want to stop people being religious because of the killings done in the name of those religions.

There are plenty of other immoral things that are being done in the name of religions that would point towards religious dogmatic teachings being a bad idea in general, and there are better ways to educate those people than telling them from birth that religious texts, religious leaders, your elders, your ancestors etc... have all the right answers and they should have complete control over how you live your life.