
SleepingJonolith t1_j2c1c86 wrote

Reply to comment by Codametal in Question by Psychological_Wheel2

Exactly. Basically as countries develop and get more educated people tend to have less babies. According to Wikipedia 48% of countries already have under a replacement birth rate including all of the European Union. Empty Planet by Darrell Bricker discusses the phenomenon.


SleepingJonolith t1_ixk9cdq wrote

I work with a high school marching band. I would give almost anything to have my Thanksgiving mornings back. I don’t know if anyone really likes playing a Thanksgiving morning game. I mean, everyone shows up because it’s tradition, but why not have the game the Friday before Thanksgiving against your rival? At least with Covid I got to sleep in on Thanksgiving. It was glorious.


SleepingJonolith t1_ityn865 wrote

Note too that there are exceptions for certain public workers. For example, teachers, police, fire, and other municipal workers don’t get it. So if you work for an exempt employer you won’t have had the money taken out of your paychecks, but you won’t be eligible for the paid leave. You can still take unpaid leave though.