SlightRedeye t1_jduxhrq wrote
Reply to comment by ninpho2246 in TIL It takes 20 years for clothing to be considered "vintage" and today’s most sought-after vintage styles are ‘90s and early ‘00s by Ok_Copy5217
Planned obsolescence has absolutely nothing to do with fashion preferences. How on earth did you come to this conclusion?
SlightRedeye t1_jdvk652 wrote
Reply to comment by ninpho2246 in TIL It takes 20 years for clothing to be considered "vintage" and today’s most sought-after vintage styles are ‘90s and early ‘00s by Ok_Copy5217
I've never heard of planned obselesence used in the fashion context before, I'm happy to say you're right.
Patting yourself on the back so hard makes you look like an asshole though.