
Slight_Paint4487 t1_j2a0fbh wrote

Depends what kind of landlord you’ve been. If it’s the first issue with heat and you’ve communicated you’re working on it, fine. No problem.

If you’re like my landlord, and too cheap to call a proper plumber when we’ve already complained numerous times about temps dropping below 60 just this fall, I’m not going to be understanding.


Slight_Paint4487 t1_ivw7fqe wrote

In my experience parking pretty much depends on the time of day. I just found a spot at 6pm at First and Warren and started looking at Manila. If you can park before like 8/9pm it’s probably easier, but idk if I’d want to do it every day. I drive like 3 times a week so it’s no biggie.


Slight_Paint4487 t1_iutyczq wrote

It’s been shared in this sub before but the debate made it pretty clear to me who to vote for

Personally am considering Hamilton, Reyes and Sanon. Hamilton was by far the best in the debates in my opinion. Reyes seemed to take his cues from Hamilton which still had good points.

I appreciated Sanon’s answers that were more creative than the boilerplate stuff, and would also like to not have a complete slate come in. He seems to be thinking about more Scitech city public-private type initiatives.

It’s tough to trust handing the BOE to an already incredibly powerful union, and the union already has a voice in what happens in our schools. I have heard stories from Hudson county teachers about the corruption between the union and its hand-picked super intendant


Slight_Paint4487 OP t1_ir0l0qj wrote

Thanks. He did give similar advice. Basically said if the landlord would be on the hook for legal fees then might be worth it for me and counsel to fight for every dollar, but also consider getting a good chunk and sooner. It’s found money so I’m not stuck on getting every dime I guess.