
Slimfictiv t1_jdxgb53 wrote

I don't want me or the map to change your mind dude, it's just that they don't have much choice left do they? Unless you don't know how economy works, trading with a neighbor is much cheaper and reliable than trading soybeans by plane for example. And don't forget that China is still US biggest trading partner as we speak. We will probably be less reliant on China but won't happen overnight.


Slimfictiv t1_j9ud9vf wrote

Recently I've watched a documentary on a family that lost their son in Ukraine. The little brother was devastated. But teh father was proud that his son died as a hero for his coutry. Now I'm thinking if he realizes that his son died in vain, what other choice does he have? Admit that he died for nothing? After 21 years invested in that young boy can he accept that it died in vain. His pride rather chose the 'hero' route.