
Slipstriker9 t1_jb9lnqg wrote

If we stopped eating cows, pigs, chickens they would suffer the same decline as other wild animals and most likely far worse as they are demesticated and have no servival instincts left. Yes mostly they would go on the extinction list within 5 to 10 years. Not to mention the insane increase in population of preditors like coyotes.


Slipstriker9 t1_j9jv0u7 wrote

If you think cast iron is bad at conducting heat then you can't be reasoned with. It is one of the best heat cunducting meterials used in cooking bar none. This sounds like you want magic.

If the burner is to much smaller than the pan either buy a large portable induction burner or learn to move the food around the pan. You know like the Chinese do in a Wok.


Slipstriker9 t1_iw9u24k wrote

If you just want shakers any full metal ones should be bifl. I use ones from WMF the German cutlery company. If you want a pepper grinder full stainless steel with ceramic blades should do.