
SlowCrates t1_jeeo0m2 wrote

And having something to show for your work. If you lived on a farm, you knew exactly what you're working for and you could see the fruits of your labor. If you had any other job, you still made enough money to afford to take care of your family. Mom's didn't need to work.

Farmers still have the same ethic. But everyone else has to have more jobs because the cost of living has grossly outpaced wages.

Unless you're in a certain tier in society, of course. But the middle class is fucked.


SlowCrates t1_jeendko wrote

That's actually a great analogy. The Internet in the early 90's was revolutionary. There was a sense of wonder and freedom to it, despite the speeds of the Internet and the available content being so low. The commercial world hadn't yet hijacked it. It really was the wild west, digitally. By the late 90's the Internet we know today had begun to grow it's roots as modems became faster and broadband started to spring up. Sadly, the commercial aspect has drowned out everything else ever since.

I'm a little worried that we're going to see the same thing happen with AI. It seems "open" right now with limitless potential. But I'm worried that its algorithms will be increasingly fine-tuned to herd society toward certain products, services, and politics.


SlowCrates t1_je0k9qq wrote

I would not be surprised to discover that the inability to sleep is the likely reason for the inflammation, and not the other way around. And that anxiety, post traumatic stress, or other psychological issues are the reason for the lack of sleep.

But of course these things sound horribly cyclical. I can't imagine that having trouble learning or remembering things will help you pull out of whatever situation is ailing you.


SlowCrates t1_jdv8q2z wrote

That's amazing. My therapist showed me that we find ourselves stuck in these mental cycle, these familiar, grimy, but cozy troughs and that it's never too late to get dislodged. We can then see our old perspective from a new angle, as well as the infinite array of new possibilities.

I'm so glad you were able to get that regardless of how. But the fact that it was an AI that helped get you there is a testament both to the advancement of AI and to your resilience and intelligence. 😊


SlowCrates t1_jd7uwhf wrote

I think that a painfully obvious problem, which AI's are probably already capable of solving, is this: Can you create a system that helps the disadvantaged, while not hindering the incentive-based private economy? Parameters will certainly include not eliminating individual wealth, not fully propping up the lower class, and not reducing our country's ability to defend itself.

I suspect that we're going to find out that our government is extremely archaic. But the pushback in revamping that system will outweigh, on a holy level, the promise that a revolutionary change could bring.

Interesting times ahead, to be sure...


SlowCrates t1_jd7st4o wrote

When Bill Gates becomes this passionate and opinionated about something, you know it's valid. As a casual observer of AI, I've thought about a lot of the things he has mentioned, but not nearly to the depth that he has. The world is shifting under our feet, and it will quickly be unrecognizable--for better or worse.

I think it will be for the better, but only if we share the benefits. If access to beneficial AI is locked away behind a massive paywall, it will only serve to increase the chasm between the rich and the poor.


SlowCrates t1_ja40155 wrote

Oh god, I don't know. There are certain people whose predictability and unoriginality are so grating on me that it makes me seriously wonder if I have a severe personality disorder. (I don't as far as my therapist believes).

They're everywhere, but in varying degrees. Some are aware they're doing it, and some aren't. There are people who are completely content having nothing but bullshit fill their minds, who only listen to the radio, wear brand-name clothing with big, easily identifiable logos in the middle of the chest, whose political opinion is copy and pasted from those around them.


SlowCrates t1_j9c5hz2 wrote

Yeah, Skynet wasn't so superior that it owned the human race. Its machines were not particular clever, and it made the mistake of leaving its central core vulnerable. Those do not sound like the traits of a super intelligence. More like general intelligence geared heavily toward strategic military power. I think of a super intelligence as having limitless power, and having fusion and quantum computing from the start gives a potential AI a huge leg up.


SlowCrates t1_j92rco4 wrote

That's interesting. I would like to see more studies like this to determine which scenarios are more suited for AI than people, and vice versa.

I would also like to see how a learning program's methods would change over time in a series of specific scenarios as it develops. Such as Normandy beach. Or Pearl Harbor. Or handling 9/11 -- and other well-known and documented situations such as the current war in Ukraine or handling the rescue logistics after the earthquake, or the wildfires, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc.

Or how to design a more efficient engine. Or how to disperse electricity. Clean water.

Is AI being used for these purposes?


SlowCrates t1_j7qtbnx wrote

He's smart and he doesn't get rattled. He looks for mismatches, and punishes people for closing in on him by making a pass to an open player. They have to kind of play zone around him otherwise he'll carve them up with a good pass. As long as he's still got a jump shot he'll be dangerous. If only he had a decent team around him. Lol


SlowCrates t1_j6i5ouq wrote

My thoughts exactly. This isn't 1965. No one is getting a job at McDonald's and buying their first car 3 weeks later, or an engagement ring, or a home. Anyone who works at McDonald's is either a kid whose parents can't afford to buy them basic necessities, or it's one of three jobs they have. Or they're a manager who has stuck it out for years, but still hates their fucking life.


SlowCrates t1_j4chlyp wrote

This makes Terminator 2 look horrifically outdated. In that movie, the endoskeleton shows completely mechanical looking parts that supposedly mimic infiltration-level human movements. But this video highlights the fact that in order to create human-like movements, you need human-like parts. And this is clearly just the beginning. 10-15 years from now we're going to see entire synthetic human bodies. It's going to be very interesting.


SlowCrates t1_j2anps0 wrote

Sometimes it takes crossing a line to respect it. It doesn't necessarily mean you don't love your partner, or that you weren't sincere in your guilt and desire to make things right. But we, humans, learn through experience. It's the most efficient way to find out how we feel. With that information we can grow as people, and become better. Or, you know, lean into the mistake and become worse people. But the mistake in and of itself does not make you a bad person and it doesn't mean your girlfriend is better off without you. It means you didn't handle the situation correctly. What you decide to do in the future will say much more about who you are.