
SmartFX2001 t1_iuk98c1 wrote

If you take your cat, she’ll have an adjustment period getting used to your new place, but cats are pretty resilient and can adapt.

If you decide to take her with you, be sure to bring something from where she lived before - like a cat bed or a catnip toy.

It’ll have her scent on it, which will give her some comfort.


SmartFX2001 t1_iuk4tpp wrote

I know everything has snowballed and you don’t feel you can get out of it….

First of all, do NOT check out of the world. YOU need to be the one to tell your parents the truth - definitely do not leave it for your mother’s friend to do.

It’s going to be hard, and they will probably be upset and disappointed, but you will feel a huge weight off your shoulders. You were so burdened by the lies you were not able to move forward.