
SmuckSlimer t1_izhd3cq wrote

Just a theory, but people who have mental health disorders might be more likely to have continuous exposure to the virus, causing their body to never win the fight outright.


SmuckSlimer t1_iy8p1yp wrote

Some huge chunk of the debt the US government has had was always in bonds issued. People wanted to see their investments grow, so they bought government bonds. This, on the books, is a debt. Last I checked like 80% of the debt was domestic and voluntarily done by the investor each cycle.

The US government debt is not going anywhere. Also, if you balance the budget, the next president will just spend it on whatever they get lobbied to.


SmuckSlimer t1_ixgy8az wrote

I worked full time for 4 months a bit over a year ago and I think I had zero days in the 120 where I went "damn, today I had a really fucking great day." I was just miserable and I hated everything. Nothing fixed the "I feel completely dead inside" sensation and I began to doubt everyone and everything around me. I just couldn't bring myself to give a fuck. Why bother if I'm gonna be miserable no matter what?