
SneezlesForNeezles t1_ja7kigl wrote

I have a few methods;

  • Goodreads; I’ve been doing this since 2015 consistently, so keep it up to date. I can see basic stats and track books. I try to review every book.
  • Storygraph; Migrated my data last year. They have pretty graphs.
  • Notebooks; I have a notebook where I list the books straight for quote taking purposes (noted below), and the other half of the notebook is used for to read book lists.
  • Quote taking; Since about… 2006? I’ve taken quotes from books. I now have 17 odd notebooks full of my favourite quotes from every book I’ve ever read. These I will admit are my pride and joy! I’m currently a tad behind, which is why I have my hand written list so I can easily access the next book.
  • Book Journal; I haven’t done this in a while but I have a book journal which I fill in for favourite books. I try to draw an image for each book along with the brief review. This is the Moleskine book journal.