
SnooComics2532 t1_j6mdcgy wrote

From What I can remember

  • Anole VX has really top tier resolution but is too airy that it doesnt sound natural in some songs
  • ier z1r sound really good on some songs but has a weird midrange timbre on some songs
  • monarch find it to be not resolving enough

I still kep my andro ogs to this day and bought a 2020 ver cuz I really liked their soundsid


SnooComics2532 t1_j6l28e2 wrote

His graphs are god tier as always, but take note that his preference is into airy/reference/semi bright sounding iems. Always remember His ranking might not be your preference

I did get some of his S rank iems before like QDC anole vx, IER z1r and monarch and it were all pretty disappointing to me. What I did ending up liking and keeping tho is Andro og & Andro 2020 and ier m9, which he doesnt seem to rate as highly as others