
SnooCompliments5519 OP t1_j3lbf3z wrote


A ps5 Console in Canada is around 700$ after tax in Canada Ontario just the box then online for one year is 80$ + one new game at 100$ after tax.

Did anyone here unlike me actually do the math before posting.

In one year alone you spend 880$ cdn. + 80$ for the next 5 years until the next box is out. We already paid for one year so that's at 1280$ cdn. Like I said the cost of a full brand new computer.

And kiddos you do not need to buy the brand new Nvidia 4090/80/70

An AMD 6600xt is much more powerful than a gpu in a ps5 and it's only 300$ before tax.

That was all I had to pay to keep up this gen with my PC build over the last 3 gems.


SnooCompliments5519 OP t1_j3lbcuv wrote

A ps5 Console in Canada is around 700$ after tax in Canada Ontario just the box then online for one year is 80$ + one new game at 100$ after tax.

Did anyone here unlike me actually do the math before posting.

In one year alone you spend 880$ cdn.

  • 80$ for the next 5 years until the next box is out. We already paid for one year so that's at 1280$ cdn. Like I said the cost of a full brand new computer.

And kiddos you do not need to buy the brand new Nvidia 4090/80/70

An AMD 6600xt is much more powerful than a gpu in a ps5 and it's only 300$ before tax.

That was all I had to pay to keep up this gen with my PC build over the last 3 gems.


SnooCompliments5519 t1_j3k8sln wrote

Reply to comment by ZoeyTiedUp in ps5 worth it? by Pure-Calligrapher506

A ps5 is actually over 1200$ after having to pay 80$ a year for 6 years to use your own internet to play peer to peer. You do not need a central server for peer to peer. Like torrents we don't need a central server it's a scam


SnooCompliments5519 t1_j3j3s60 wrote

Waste of money if you already have a PC remember they make you pay to use your own internet for peer to peer there does not need to be a central server for peer to peer to function it's actually backwards anyone who thinks servers need to be ran for peer to peer to function is an idiot who has never used torrents or doesn't understand how torrents p2p really works


SnooCompliments5519 t1_j3j33ws wrote

No get a PC Ps5 cost more than a 1200$PC after 6 years of paying 80$ for using your own internet to play peer to peer a system that does not require a central server "torrents" don't be short sighted a typical blind consumer