
SnooSongs6848 t1_jaean5v wrote

Oh honey you have not played cod, apex, other games that make you so mad. Sometimes you just want to say shut the fuck up. Personally for my bf to spectate me when playing video games like a ranked game and talks non stop telling me there’s someone there when an intense play happens I say shut up bc you’re trying to focus kinda like studying for an exam you need quietness. I don’t say stfu tho I find it rude. Advice: leave him bc you want a nice caring bf and he hurt your feelings I’m sure he will keep repeating that behavior


SnooSongs6848 t1_jae9eto wrote

At that age she wants to experience life and not miss out on her 20s. At your 20s you’re more free bc when you get older you have bigger responsibilities eventually a family and don’t have that free time you’ll have in your 20s. When in a relationship there’s restrictions on what you can and can not do. My advice is move on don’t play the waiting game bc that will take forever


SnooSongs6848 t1_jae3ytd wrote

Shame on you encouraging people to get stds. I’m a woman myself I’m not saying I have the smallest body count so I’m not sex shaming you’re here encouraging people to get stds a lower there body value. You are a terrible person shame on you. Just bc you don’t care about your health doesn’t mean others don’t.


SnooSongs6848 t1_jae1fxf wrote

I’m sorry but body count matters. At 26 you don’t sleep with 50+ people. Not only are you putting yourself at risk for STDs but you’ll be doing that to others along with you look easy and like a hoe sorry but that’s the hard truth. She’s 26 not 53. You can literally type on google “do people with high body counts have stds” and the first thing it shows is “someone with a high body count may be more likely to have STDs”. You should not encourage op to sleep w a bunch of other men you will boost her confidence and the result is she may catch an std and majority of men won’t want her also again having a high body count doesn’t look good for a woman that’s just facts a woman is supposed to cherish her body have respect for it


SnooSongs6848 t1_jabnsie wrote

Well first thing is don’t sleep with too many guys on the first date no matter if you like them. Guys don’t like girls with high body counts it makes them look like hoes and also they will think you might have an std and pass it on to them along with making you look easy and guys don’t want easy girls. Second, he must have respect and take things slow with you considering having a serious relationship rather than getting in your pants n leave. If you want physical touch then touch his hand or when you leave give him a kiss on the cheek