
Snooderblade t1_itu429o wrote

But it’s not an A with diacritics! A and Ä are objectively different letters, using an A (which in english sounds nothing like Ä no matter how you pronounce it) is misleading. You can’t just switch letters based on looks without regard for the sounds they represent. Case in point the closest letter to Ä is E, not A, the official way to transliterate Ä in english is Ae and if you look at the actual article they use Ä aswell.


Snooderblade t1_ittuyhc wrote

”Q blatantly is the character 'O' with a diacratic that indicates it is pronounced differently”

Different languages have different letters to accomodate that language, there is no objectively correct ”alphabet” and the english version of the latin alphabet isn’t the default. How is this so hard for english speakers to understand?