
Snozzberrys t1_iujuuxh wrote

> i really respect and love my girlfriend

If you love and respect your GF then don't hide things from her.

I really don't know what her parents were expecting to happen but they've made it clear that they care more about potential grandkids than they do about what their daughter wants from her life and I think your GF has the right to know that, assuming she doesn't already.


Snozzberrys t1_iuismim wrote

> I told her I felt uncomfortable being around a sick person as I have very low immune system and a few autoimmune diseases, and have been getting over a three month long recovery of a very long battle with my gallbladder

It sounds to me like you explained yourself pretty clearly, your friend probably just doesn't care.


Snozzberrys t1_iuiqgaz wrote

> to save our friendship

What friendship?

You laid down a perfectly reasonable boundary and she responded by emotionally blackmailing you into capitulating to her demands. Then after you compromised and set additional boundaries she trampled all over those.

It doesn't sound like your "friend" respects you very much.


Snozzberrys t1_iuipjls wrote

> I’m struggling with whether they even want me there at this point, and whether I should take the hint and respectfully decline

If they really didn't want you there then they would not have invited you.

There's a million reasons your friend could be less sociable, if she really didn't like you she would probably just block and ghost you. Don't overthink it.