
Snuggledtoopieces t1_je6wtmp wrote

If you have to give all that up you don’t have your shit together at all and have no business raising a child in that kinda environment. Kids cost money and time they don’t cost you every single aspect of your life unless you already don’t have anything to give.


Snuggledtoopieces t1_j27rss0 wrote

Gotta get a composite toe. Depending on where you work steel toe isn’t allowed by osha.

These are pretty good, work boots aren’t bifl expect to replace them every 3 years. You can buy them on whatever site you want. If you have very small feet you may not be able to get your size though.


Snuggledtoopieces t1_j1i3xpg wrote

Not really, I’m not saying they make bad products just really a shame. They also have an offshoot called KomalC

Nothing at that price point unfortunately(under 100$), if you are willing to spend double then yeah but there are lots of decent brands at that price point.

Great brand for gift giving though.

You can actually replace the hardware with some after market pieces that are meant for repair. So that’s an option if you really enjoy the product. Doesn’t really make sense on some models because of how much hardware is present. Did it to a toss around duffel I’ve had for a couple years and honestly it’s a great bag.


Snuggledtoopieces t1_j1hkiuf wrote

They use really cheap hardware.

That’s the only bad thing I have to say about them if they used better hardware I’d recommend them endlessly really decent product for the price though.


Snuggledtoopieces t1_j0mnmgv wrote

So they are made by the exact same machines, with the exact same source materials, inspected by the exact same quality control. You know none of that is true. But you are still arguing like it’s a fact.

It’s hard to have all products meet the exact same specifications in the same plant between lines.

There are very few facts in life, saying that two products from two separate facilities across the world in different climates are a 1-1 on spec is hubris at best. You obviously have much looser tolerances.


Snuggledtoopieces t1_j0mm69d wrote

So you are literally admitting they make shitty steel. On purpose. So what exactly are you arguing? That they could do better if they wanted too?

Le creuset isn’t supposed to be cheap it’s supposed to be the best.

China is not where you get pots and pans manufactured,and you know that.
Any self respecting manufacturing company with a modicum of self respect and product identity would know that as well and not tolerate the quality drop.


Snuggledtoopieces t1_j0mjfrd wrote

Say whatever you want I’m metallurgical engineer, any projects where we source Chinese pipe or stainless components you get significantly higher “off batches” that are out of spec compared to basically any other source but India.

But whatever you’ve probably got tons of experience with the subject.