
SofaKingI t1_j4lh295 wrote

I feel like you're doing what the other comment is cautioning against.

Those are modern concepts and only vaguely similar. Our brains tend to jump to the closest thing we know and there's a lot of mysticism about ancient, forgotten knowledge, but Ancient Greeks had no idea about spacetime or dark energy or any of that.

Their fifth element (or aether) was just a substance a bit like air but with very different properties, that existed outside the Earth's sphere beyond the Moon. It was what gods breathed. They made it up to explain things they didn't understand. For example, they said air naturally moved in a straight line (wind), but aether moved only in circles and that's why planets had a circular orbit. It was what held the stars up in the sky.


SofaKingI t1_j2cw4gl wrote

FYI that comment is full of inaccuracies.

Molecules moving doesn't cause friction, which creates heat and increases temperature . The vibration of molecules IS temperature.

Heat transfer also only works from the hotter object to the colder one. Once the plate is hotter than the food, heat transfer can't possibly be occuring from the food to the plate. It's the other way around.

So the reason the plate is so hot can't possibly be that it's taking heat directly from the food. The plate's material is absorbing the microwaves.

That last paragraph doesn't even make sense.