
Soggy_Hamster_4524 t1_iy9v6ss wrote

Also yes it is terrorism when India is accepting of all people and many many diverse groups live there with our problems but just like I mentioned it’s religious extremism and a small group using to gain power themselves this is becoming a major problem all around the world you cannot compare that to George Washington who was trying to get freedom for everyone regardless of their religion. Sikh religious nationalism is just as bad as Hindu nationalism because it’s a theocratic government that won’t give freedom to everyone


Soggy_Hamster_4524 t1_iy9uomd wrote

Also the Jewish people didn’t get a state because of the holocaust the British elites masquerading as Zionists did they were plotting it since the 19th century and they used the Jewish people to help themselves and now they are using the Jewish religious extremism to make themselves even more powerful by controlling people with an ideology


Soggy_Hamster_4524 t1_iy9twyy wrote

“The US government supports what they consider to be in the best interest of the us as a whole” it’s sad that people really believe this as if politicians aren’t just trying help themselves and further the interests of the people/organizations that they are shilling for


Soggy_Hamster_4524 t1_iy8ksio wrote

It’s not a belief when there is already evidence. Go on google and search “Pakistan funding Khalistan” Also isn’t it funny that the federal agencies would support one freedom movement but not other ones like Palestine? It’s like they only care about things when it fits with their narrative
