
Solid_Tone923 t1_iw22790 wrote

No, sadly not yet. I mostly read my own language (Norwegian). I don't know why, but there has been a wave of quite good popular science books in Norwegian the last couple of years, some good enough to have been translated into English (e.g. The Elements We Live by (Anja Røyne) and Your Superstar Brain (Kaja Nordengen)).

I do thank for the recommendation. I've added it to my too-read-pile.


Solid_Tone923 t1_ivu06ao wrote

My plan, for multiple years, has been to finish the books I own, instead of buying new ones. It is working, to some degree: I've been reading books standing in my shelf for 10 years.

Numberwise I've no reading goal, due to no longer being a student; I no longer have the time to do 300 books a year.

Topic-wise I try to read more books in the sciences. Just finished a couple of books on astronomy and am reading another on the Norwegian oceans.


Solid_Tone923 t1_ivq9dfi wrote

I think it would depend on what kind of books you are reading and whether you are member of any groups. I mainly read old fiction (+200 years old) and non-ficition literature, and rarely got any reactions back when I used goodreads (I quit back in June this year, due to losing the ability to adding new books).

There are, however, probable more people visiting your profile - and reading your reviews - than you think; I got random reactions and friend-invites from people now and then.