
SolomonSinclair t1_iyc7gnp wrote

>people would be driving off the road or over whatever terrain came randomly

You say that as if this doesn't happen with alarming regularity. How many people talk on their phones and drive? Or text and drive? Or other insane things?

I have legit watched a woman try to put on her makeup and brush her hair, at the same time, while driving down the highway. Talk about your pucker factor being anywhere near her.

Hell, I remembered a story about a teenager who died when they crashed into a bus because they were too busy texting, but I couldn't remember the exact details, so I googled it... And multiple incidents came up.

There are also multiple cases where a distracted driver goes soaring off a fucking cliff because they weren't paying attention.

And all that's not even including the people who knowingly drive drunk or otherwise under the influence.

If all it took to master a skill was to go through the motions on autopilot, shit like that wouldn't happen, but ya know what? There've been days where I've had a brain fart and flat out forgotten how to tie a knot for a few minutes and that's something I've been doing almost daily for 30-odd years.