
SomeShoeDog t1_j6lg78g wrote

hey man. your judgment is fully sound. your facts are checked and there is a 0% chance that obama ever smoked a newport in his life. and comedy has to exclusively be based in fact. this is factual and cannot be argued. thank you for taking the time to educate the rest of us single-brain-celled plebes. your genius knows no bounds and truly you are the king of cigarettes. may your throne be always acrid and properly yellowed from nicotine stains. 🙄


SomeShoeDog t1_j6lercj wrote

how does this unattributed quote prove your argument? it clearly states that he may not have been a purist because he bummed cigarettes.

i don’t think you fully understand how this whole debating things works.

you’re also positively freaking out over a single, unimportant joke in the first 5 minutes of a 120 minute movie. touch grass man


SomeShoeDog t1_j6ldtag wrote

are you really gonna double down on providing a “source” that obama only smoked marlboros and call someone a “fn idiot” when your “source” not only doesn’t mention any specific brand but also explicitly states that a white house spokesperson advised that the thing obama is holding in the photo is not a pack of cigarettes?

to quote another person in this thread, please stop it with this nonsense.