
SomethingMatter t1_jb6liki wrote

This is a good read:

> At best, the TikTok ban considered by Congress would be ineffective; at worst, a ban would force us to either adopt China’s censorship technology or create our own equivalent.


> If we want to address the real problem, we need to enact serious privacy laws, not security theater, to stop our data from being collected, analyzed, and sold—by anyone. Such laws would protect us in the long term, and not just from the app of the week.


SomethingMatter t1_jb6kzxm wrote

People inside China don't access the Microsoft servers in the west. They access servers hosted and operated by a different company in China. Try and use yahoo search inside of China. Stop pretending that information and services aren't tightly controlled by the CCP in China. They are.

Go on, insult Xi and see how far you get. Go and protest in the streets and see what happens to you.


SomethingMatter t1_j81ugyu wrote

You have two options:

  1. Put your passwords in a password manager - this can be local only
  2. Remember all of your passwords

The second one means that you will either have duplicate passwords or a system in place where a person who knows one password can figure out the others. The only real option is a password manager. All password manager worth anything won't be able to get hold of your passwords without you first entering your master password so the trick is to keep a good master password and you should be fine.