
Sometimes_Stutters t1_jeh4mje wrote

>Currently unemployed

I stopped reading here (not really, but it’s a good dramatic effect)

Can you afford the car? Yes. You look pretty good financially.

Would I spend the money on that car? No. Probably not. I’m a car guy. I work with the most unbelievable cars in the world. It’s fucking sweet.

I’ve had access to the best cars in the world. Listen. The happiness doesn’t last. You get the hit. It’s great. But the daily rush dies.


Sometimes_Stutters t1_je7mtzr wrote

Northern Minnesotan here. I’ve had good luck using deck blocks. Just dig a little hole/trench, fill with play sand, tamp down, and place deck blocks.

The shits going to move regardless. After the first few winters you’ll need to shim around a bit, but after that you should be fine.


Sometimes_Stutters t1_jdrry25 wrote

You don’t. The texture is inherent to plaster walls. Both sanding or skim coating are absolute bears of projects, and you’d be hard pressed to make it look as good as drywall. Probably just as well to replace the drywall entirely (which is also a ridiculous project).

My recommendation would be to learn to live with it.


Sometimes_Stutters t1_jdadmng wrote

They mention this in the book “Barbarians at The Gate”. It has less to do with protecting the tobacco industry and more to do with the product development being over budget and the product itself being shit. It was actually developed by RJR / Phillip Morris.


Sometimes_Stutters t1_jctcz4g wrote

Devils advocate here. You should consider that you’re passing your problems onto another (and totally unsuspecting) household. At least you’re armed with the information to file a police report if something occurs.

Perhaps a better alternative would be to use an address of a nearby business such as a convenience store or a restaurant.