
Sonacka t1_jdwgwub wrote

I'm going to go out on a limb then and say that they are brain dead. They are extremists who want to make headlines and also get arrested. If you think about it like that then stopping formula 1 makes for a great headline. How will they stop formula 1? By standing on the track so the cars can't go round. They are not smart people, their logic could legitimately be as flawed as that. Just because you, a rational person, can see the immediate flaw in their logic doesn't mean they can.


Sonacka t1_jdtb21p wrote

The protesters are related to the amount of traffic stuck on the road. But they aren't related to the drivers poor ability to let emergency vehicles through. They should all leave enough room for them to pass, just like the protesters did in one of your sources. Some protestors are acting irresponsibly I agree.


Sonacka t1_jdszcbc wrote

Source 1 was definitely irresponsible of the protestors. Glueing yourself to something on the road is very irresponsible. Even if they didn't mean to delay the fire engine they are in the wrong.

In source 3 it paints the picture that the protestors were blocking emergency services, but the last part of the article shows the fire engine made it through, and still made it to where it needed to go within 14 minutes. The reversing ambulance appears to be reversing to face the protestors. Either it's going to ram through them, or maybe there is room for the ambulance to go through?

Source 3 shows the ambulance struggling to get through traffic. I don't know the layout of the roads but again it doesn't look like the protestors are blocking the road and stopping the ambulance from getting through, it's the amount of traffic in the way stopping the ambulance. Again though, people glueing themselves to the road is unacceptable.

Source 4 is a very weird source. The protests may or may not have contributed to the amount of traffic (I honestly have no idea, but for the sake of the argument, I'll agree that they did). The two people had their car hit after being in standstill traffic for four hours. That is not the result of the protests, that's just the result of a criminal driver. The 40 minutes for the ambulance to get there is very high, but it doesn't say how long the ambulance should have taken on a regular day, so maybe it's not much higher?


Sonacka t1_jdsal3n wrote

They were not trying to injure or kill the drivers. I agree that it might have injured or killed drivers/race staff but I do not think those protestors had any thought about how dangerous it would be for others if they entered the track. They are idiots that would have thought they would shut the race down. Nowhere in that article does it say they entered the race track with intent to kill or injure, only that their actions could have harmed people.

I don't agree with the actions of those protestors and believe they should be prosecuted but they were not trying to injure or kill people like you say.