
SonofBeckett t1_j4t8yxc wrote

Movies like Dead for a Dollar? I’ve gotta say Walter Hill is low key one of my favorite filmmakers of all time, from Warriors to Brewster’s Millions to the madness that was Streets of Fire. I think there are still really interesting filmmakers out there, and it’s easy to forget that 1979 also gave us Airport ‘79 and 1941. Bloated, studio cash ins and overindulgence are not a new thing.


SonofBeckett t1_ixw44zk wrote

The only sociopathic part to me was her casual willingness to violently silence a child. It’s a quick moment, and she doesn’t act on the impulse, but I had to rewind the audiobook to make sure I caught it right. She definitely sees violence as a viable solution to everyday problems. I read her as having tendencies towards and antisocial personality disorder rather than being a true sociopath.