
SonovaVondruke t1_j60krw8 wrote

As both a hobbyist baker and brewer, I can confirm that in (carelessly excessive) large quantities, active yeast can produce alarming amounts of gas and small quantities of alcohol in your system.

Don’t eat uncooked yeasted dough or drink actively fermenting beer and you shouldn’t ever run into that problem.


SonovaVondruke t1_j11nsn1 wrote

I expect most of the disaffected first and second-generation fans have just moved on and that's why you don't hear them. Why complain loudly about something that other people are enjoying but just isn't your cup of tea?

I loved Andor, I liked parts of Mando, I loved the early days of the old "Legends" books, and I was even on board with TFA, but I'd erase everything made after 1983 in an instant if there was even a 1% chance that they might make something better in its stead.