
SooperSte t1_jaeghp4 wrote

> Look at Bohemian Rhapsody or The Greatest Showman. Bohemian Rhapsody made almost a billion dollars, The Greatest Showman 450 million, La La Land made almost 450 million and Little Women (2019) made 200 million. Those aren't action movies.

And all of these came out during the "superhero era" so....what exactly is it you are trying to say???


SooperSte t1_jae7ogh wrote

People aren't choosing to not see that small indie darling because they are going to see a superhero movie instead, they just don't give a shit about it and wouldn't have watched it in the first place.

If superhero movies suddenly stopped, there would be another mass marketable genre immediately taking it's place. They haven't "changed the landscape", big budget action movies always have been, and always WILL be dominating box offices, the thing that has changed is that people who don't like them now just have more platforms to pretentiously proclaim about how "cinema is dead" because the next Spiderman isn't a black and white French language drama shot in 10:4 ratio