
Sorry_Setting1196 t1_j293j1v wrote

Read the writing on the wall. People don’t go to the movies to see a movie they want to see, they do it as an experience, like nostalgia. They could watch the movie on a steaming service 9/10 but they choose the movies for the experience.

We have a massive AMC theatre in my area, cost maybe 50million to build, ginormous. This thing sits dormant with like 5 customers year round. In my opinion, movie theatres are like record players, people like them for the nostalgia, movies are maybe a date opportunity but No one really wants to actually go to the movies anymore.

Just not a good investment seeing as though investment and sentiment is leaning ever more towards streaming and online services.

I wish you luck in your investment but I’d not toss a dollar towards brick and mortar theatre chains.


Sorry_Setting1196 t1_ix134q9 wrote

I extend out the expiration so I have a chance of my calls or puts hitting. Strikes in the money or at the money. Bad day and it feels like the bottom, im buying some calls, and vice versa. With index based ETFs you can just straight scalp the random movements intraday and thats a good way to stack bread. Wouldn't do this shit with any individual stock but with the index idc, there's some intrinsic value with the ETFs because its essentially the market as a whole.

As someone said, calculated gambling. I used the option profit calculator online to kinda get an idea of where I need to be for it to hit even before I place an order.